Wednesday, May 26, 2010

thereismagicinourtouch excerpt from my collection of snaps taken over the past two weeks.....


Barbara von Enger said...

I see you adore books, too;-)
Love this collection of photographs. They take the reader on a delicious journey. said...

So inspiring...

The High Heel Times said...

Nice pictures, it's clear that you spend a lot of time taking pictures!

Sarah said...

love the necklaces!

ilikestuff said...

Are those necklaces all YOURS???? I am dying of Jealous.

B a la Moda said...

I want all those necklaces!

B* a la Moda

No said...

charlaine harris just came out with another book! i can't wait to read it. do you watch true blood at all?

Clarity said...

I tried to comment on your story but couldn't.

So interesting, I am guessing it's creative fiction? If not, well done... evocative.

ediot said...

wonderful photos. &i need to read more books . thats for certain.
hope youre having a wonderful week so far.
what are your weekend plans?
btw- are you of swedish heritage?

xx ediot

Anika said...

Thanks for your wonderful comments, folks :)

Style Porn, they are actually my mothers...I snuck into her wardrobe one weekend and snapped :) But that explains me in a nutshell...its hereditary!

Alecto, that book was a gift. I love the tv series...adore it!....but just couldn't get through the book..maybe it was just that particular book?

Clarity, thanks is indeed creative fiction...I was inspired :)

Ediot, tell me about it...I spent the weekend watching Precious, True Blood and Robin Hood. And bumming. Best weekend ever :)
And no Swedish roots (but one of my mum's best friend is Norwegian and called Anika, and that's who I'm named after)...hence the Scandinavian name.

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