Monday, November 9, 2009

We interrupt regular scheduling to bring you.....

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. It's actually my birthday today, but I went out to dinner with friends on Friday and had a 'Circus' themed party on Saturday night (so much fun). It's been a crazy busy weekend, in a good way, so have been away from the computer for a while. A good thing! I still promise to leave you all love on your blogs. In the meanwhile, the gorgeous and fabulously style-savvy Sweety P awarded me this, with a set of questions to answer (and lord knows, I love these):


Where's your cell phone: bed side table
Your hair: straight-ish/curly-ish depending on the weather
Your mother: a sweetheart
Your father: hilarious (stand up comedy-worthy)
Favourite food: biltong
Last night: I recovered from the party on Saturday night
Favourite drink: Guinness
What room are you (in): my bedroom
Hobby: photography
Fear: would it be cliched to say I try not to be afraid of anything?!?!
Where were you last night: At home
Something that you aren't: high maintenance
Muffins (huh??!): bran honey and banana ones from Muffin Break. Mmmm.
Wish list item: a house (it's near impossible to buy one in Perth, dammit)
Where did you grow up: Kenya, Africa
What are you wearing: tee, shorts, tennis shoes and my hooker hat...kidding. About the tennis shoes ;)
Your pets: (I used to have a turtle, a dog and 5 cats)
Friends: crazy and amazing...
Something you're not wearing: sunglasses, and a hooker hat
Favourite store: Billie & Rose
Favourite colour: turquoise
Last time you laughed: A few minutes ago, at the cheesiness of True Blood. I do love it though :)
Your best friend: Stuart and my sister
Place you go over and over: Melbourne. The Brisbane bar. Voyage Kitchen. The beach
Person who emails you regularly: people telling me I've won the British lottery. Score!!!???!
Favourite place to eat: a restaurant at Hillary's Boat Harbour that has just disappeared. Boo.

If you are not familiar with Sweety P's work, get there now! Thanks, hun :). I'd like to pass this award to:

25 comments: said...

Oh thanks, Honey! :-)


Dream Sequins said...

Hi dear! Thanks so much for the award!

I knew there was a reason why I liked you-- you're a Scorpio too! Happy birthday! :)

xx D

Anonymous said...


Hope you have a great day!


Clarity said...

Happy Birthday Anika darling. And many more!

I was actually going to give you that award in my next post but whatsherface beat me to it :)

Great answers and I am always happy to come here even during my madly crazy schedule, x.

daisychain said...

Happy Birthday sweetie!

Vertiginoso said...

Thanks Infinitely for the Award Dear Anika !!! Mmmh Actually I have already respond to this questionnaire on my september, 30th post . . . BUT it Frankly will be a Pleasure to pass it !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Seeker said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY gorgeous Anika!!!!!!

That's such a lovely award for a lovely blogger as you, and it's so nice to know more about you.

Have a great time, dear and keep smiling...


Sweety P said...

So fun reading this post! You're so welcome! Happy Birthday!!

Delikate Rayne said...

Ooooooo la-la, Happy Birthday Anika, glad to hear you had fun celebrating...hope you enjoyed today and got everything you wished, dreamed and hoped for =)


Jules said...

Great answers! =D Looking forward on your next post. =D

A Writers Den
Brown Mestizo

Valencia Lia said...

Congrats on the award girl !!

And i loved those fun facts about you :)

Happy birthday once again <3 big hugssss

Sharon said...

Well done on the award and for sharing these fun things about you!!

Domonique Wilson said...

This was such a good read,

Hope you had a fab birthday!!


Elizabeth Marie said...


In my head, I was singing...

battered couture said...

heyyyyyyyyyy happy happy b-day love. Live long, stay strong and rock on. kiss*

Unknown said...

Cool questions with awesome answers. ;D And congrats on your award, you deserve it. ;D

Travel and Living
Job Hunt Pinoy

crystal said...

for some reason i though i already commented this but - Hope your bday was amazing!! :)

Thank you so much for the award too!

Unknown said...

Happy birthdayyyy sweetieeee!!! I hope you had a wonderfull day!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday hon!

Wanderlusting said...

Happy BDAY!!!!

Keith said...

Congrats on the award. Happy Birthday. Cheers!

Tights Lover said...

Happy birthday and congrats on the award. Very enjoyable post to read!

crystal said...

heyyy! I gave you another award, haha! ;) said...

I'm here again! ;-)

If U have a mood look at my giveaway, my dear!


Christina said...

Happy belated birthday!! :) Hope you had an awesome one!


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