Monday, May 25, 2009

Love Fools

...yeah, Stuart and Charlie, you two were made for each other.


Stalking has never looked so appealing, has it. Helps that you two work together of course ;)

These shots were taken at X-WRAY in Fremantle. We started with a delicious and cheap Italian meal, followed with crazy and wildly inappropriate conversations over cocktails at my favourite bar/cafe/lounge. There was live music, cheapola mojitos and fan-bloody-tastic company.

What more could you possibly want.


Stuart and Charles, a match made in heaven....

"the decoy"

Rocketfuellers; their conversation apparently gets as wildly inappropriate as ours does at my work. Nice.


Didn't get a shot of me, so I had to make up for it with a dodgy shot after we got home....

tank, sportsgirl. jacket, lioness 28. leggings, ebay. boots, asos. wierd face, priceless :)


Anonymous said...

i love boots like that! i miss mine so much but it is WAY too hot to wear them here!

Sharon said...

Hi there-fabulous pictures, looks like you are all having a great time!!

Hanh, Life-in-Travel said...

Love your boots and color of your jacket. cool look !

Vertiginoso said...

I really like the color's palette of your silhouette (and especially your futurist jacket), very "the soft (but always electrifying) side of Biker CHIC style" . . .

à Bientôt, Antoine

Wanderlusting said...

Your jacket is PERFECT!!! I've got some boots that would go perfectly, lol

Jaypee David said...

lovely couple.. great outfit as well... thanks for sharing...

JAYtography: An Online Travelogue

Anonymous said...

I love the boots and that cropped grey jacket.

A.n.E said...

that sounds like a blast of a weekend.

love your jacket.


Anika said...

Ahhh, on the other hand, we're just coming into winter in Australia Sarah. Wooo hooo! Haha :)

Lol, Wanderlusting, wouldn't it be great if we could just swop and share clothes over the internet?

Slanelle said...

"weird face : priceless" Aahahaha :D

paola said...

loving the boots and the jacket! very rock outfit!

Baybay Mama said...

You and your friends are so adorable:)
And look at your outfit! You always looked dressed to kill:)

Couture Carrie said...

Looks and sounds so fun, A! You are always so classy and fabulous :)


AliceSeagull said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun! And i like your outfit (jacket is no.1!)

Angela said...

you look fab!

Emz said...

I love your leather jacket!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Cool jacket. Sounds like that was a fun night.

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