Wednesday, May 13, 2009

worn-in perfection

Get used to this tee, you'll be seeing alot of it on the blog.

From my favourite vtg rock band-memorabilia store in Melbourne; retrostar.
(I got this Metallica tee and a Rolling Stones tour tee. Both in soft, grey, worn-in cotton.)
Now I only wish I had got a few more for good measure.

Perfection truly is a simple comfy tee and jeans

Worn (in this set of shots, anyway) to dinner and drinks at an Irish pub. When they claim to serve "hearty meals", they MEAN it. I had to be wheelbarrowed out of there...which explains the last lazy, lounging shot against the car. Hah.


my hair's getting ridiculously long...and I think I love it??


feel free to snigger at the satiated look on me...

You have been warned....this blog will probably become a one-trick pony with the tee. What can I say, its so comfy I want to sleep in it. Mmmmm. I guess I should just admit now that I wore it on thursday to the Irish pub, Friday to Danny Bhoy's (comedian) stand up gig and on Saturday to the movies. I vaguely recall wearing it on Sunday for a brief period of time as well.....

tee, retrostar. jeans, supre. boots, joanne mercer. ring, queen vic markets. cuff, gift. necklace, diva??? bag, vintage.


Sharon said...

Hi there-fabulous tee, I'm also on the look out this summer for some worn in unique tees!

Sydnie said...

The necklace in your first two pictures is to die for! I absolutely love it.


Marcella said...

I think you know what I'm going to say....

I lOOOOVVVEEE / WANNNT your boots!!!! Why do they not get their own closeup?lol

There's nothing wrong with sticking to a look, hey if it looks that good, no need to fix anything!

yiqin; said...

Very effortless & chic! :)

Seeker said...

Oh yeah, that's a great T!!!!
And also a fab necklace.


Wanderlusting said...

Metallic F*in rules my world! Tee looks great on you too, :P

phamzy said...

killer shirt!!!!!

Tea said...

Oh yeah, that's a great !!!!
And also a fab necklace.

Dane said...

Rad tee! Wish I had a Metallica shirt!

Couture Carrie said...

Darling Anika, I have great news! While your tee is lovely, it won't be your only one: YOU are the winner of CC's Elizabeth & James deconstructed tee Giveaway! (The girl who initially won was only 14 and her mom wouldn't let her accept the award.) So congrats! Email me your size, full name and address asap at



P.S. I got a size Small and it is very roomy :)

Unknown said...

the tee is gggreeat. i have been looking for those "worn-in" vintage rock shirts in thrift shops. to no avail yet, but i'll keep searching. love it with the fringe booties!

much love


Abby said...

oh it looks super super comfy and super super cool. all kinds of things that are super.

work is quite boring, how is yours going?
maybe we should start a new business that involves just wearing cool tees.

that would be smart.


DaisyChain said...

That is a great tee =)

Anika said...

Sharon Rose, worn in tees are the ultimate prize aren't they!

And thanks, Sydnie, it broke on the way there hence its disappearance (luckily its fixable).

Lol Marcella, may have to take the hint and give them their own feature post.

Wanderlusting and Dane, love old school Metallica (which helped pick out this tee out of hundreds of band tees!)

CC, *SQUEAAAAAAL*, so exciting. Yay! Thank you soooo very much. I NEVER win anything! Woooo hoooo! :)

Barefoot. said...

your tee is so great!
love this oldskool prints!

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