Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Newly Inspired...

A few days back, I was stoked to receive a lovely blog award from the gorgeous Eda of Eda's Planet. Eda's Planet is a recently discovered blog, comprising of a complimentary mix of fashion inspiration, outfits, beauty news and other random but relevant bits of information. Go, go, go...check out the blog :)

So, apart from smiling like a lunatic at work when I realised I'd been presented with this gorgeously floralesque award (bearing in mind blog checking is a no-no ;), I would like to pass on the award to:

1) Stompface - She always makes me laugh, we're going to start a tee-wearing business, she controls a strange man called Mr Bird, she has long Rapunzel-esque hair and a fab blog!
2) Fashion Bananas - Love her style!
3) CC of Couture Carrie - hell, this lady is listed under 'fashion function and fabulousness' in the dictionary. No really, go lookie.
4) Pauline of In My Body's House - her writing is haunting and you will not be able to look away. I guarantee it :)
5) Sharon Rose-Style, Thrifting, Fashion and Me - she IS the thrifting queen. You will not be disappointed.
6) Style Porn - Love this blog...always great for daily outfit updates, fashion updates or just updates in general.
7) Bella of Vintage Lollipops - If there was a way to do it (forget about getting caught out!), I would def plunder from her closet. It's my dream closet! Her blog is a no-brainer i.e. must read!
8) Sarah of Macaroni Club - a very recent discovery, this girl's style is off the charts and her blog a must read...what are you waiting for??
9) Anywhere but here - beautiful blog with gorgeous photography and style.
10) Life in Travel - another very recent discovery, this girl's style and smile are killer. Her outfits are insane too!

The shots are from Sunday, prior to Stuart and mine's coffee date. Every Sunday, without fail.

I found this gorgeous bauble sweater at an op-shop a while back and immediately thought of it as a cool oversize sweater dress. And it's a first for me because I NEVER wear pink....broadening my horizons, I am :)



I'm planning to stud the hell out of these boots....mwah hah hah, cannot wait! Studs are on their way, they were just puchased today off of ebay.

sweater dress, vintage. tights, sportsgirl. boots, rubi. cuff, gift. ring, queen victoria markets.


Unknown said...

Those are such fun boots! I like how you put that outfit together.

paanie said...

cute sweater dress! it looks more lavender than pink.

Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks so much for the award and well done to you!Much appreciated and so kind of you for the shout out too! Love the pale pink sweater dress, a delicious find, the shade is just lovely on you!

Anonymous said...

thank you so much!!!! you are too sweet.

is that a cuff you are wearing? it looks amazing!

Posh said...

Nice look girl!

yiqin; said...

The sweater looks so comfy! Awesome boots too :)

Hanh, Life-in-Travel said...

Thank you Anika for giving me award. I'm honored. Love your dress and cuffs!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

again, you look so incredible anika! and congratulations to the girls.. i'll definitely check them out as per your recommendation!

much love


Jules said...

You look great on your outfit.And can't wait to see the next post bout those funny and cute boots.=) Have a great day,=)

A Writers Den
The Brown Mestizo

Elizabeth Victoria Clark said...

really like the pinkypurple sweater dress, its so vintage cool xx

ilikestuff said...

Thank you thank you thank you for my award! Since I'm not getting any awards at work yet (assholes) I will treasure this like my firstborn child. Promise.

Unknown said...

Oh you are so fabulous on your outfit.=) Love your boots,hope to see more.;D
Btw,care for exchange links? Have a great day..;D

Travel and Living

PH said...

Anika, you are so lovely to me!

hope your friends where you are know how lucky they are to have you :)

I was having kind of a crummy day when I got the notification--thank you so much for keeping me going.

I'm in NOLA right now and there's a little shop filled with embroidery stuff; that pretty sweater would be of a piece hanging from one of the fancy chandeliers.

Super feminine, and is gorgeous on you.

Love & Flowers,


LACY said...

you are sooo beautiful! love the blog and i cant wait to see those boots with studs :)

Seeker said...

Congrats on the award, dear!

Some new blogs for me to check... OMG I have no time.....

And those boots are killer!!!! Love them, can wait to see them studed...


withasianstereotypes said...

Girl you are looking gorgeous, I love the boots and the sweater piece. Those cuffs are brilliant, I want/need/love them.

KISS, China L.

yiqin; said...

Your sweater looks so comfy!! :)

Sharon said...

Hi again my dear-there is an award for you on my blog, have a great weekend too!

Anika said...

Thanks XS, yeah the sweater is kinda lavender-y. So comfy too!

Lol, styleporn, screw your work folk. And not literally :D

Pauline, NOLA does sound pretty perfect. Ooooh....visual (imaginary) dream. Haha :)

Awww shucks, thanks Lacy. Will def get round to studding the boots soon.

Thanks for all your sweet comments folks :)

FashionHippieLoves said...

love this outfit!!!

Delikate Rayne said...

Can't wait to see the DIY studded boots...Please post pictures =)

Vintage Lollipops said...

You're so damn fabulous it basically hurts! I must come over and steal everything you own!!! I promise to give it all back. lol-xx

Thank you soooooo much for thinking of me babe, and congrats to you on this well-deserved award!
You're amazing. xxxx

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