Monday, September 28, 2009

Shop It.


Forget SATC (Sex And The City), SATP (Shop African Tea Party) is now open for business.

Head over to to check out the offerings for sale. Keep checking back as I plan to update the blog fairly regularly with new and vintage clothing, shoes, jewellery, bags and other accessories. Any Qs about items? Email me at or leave a comment in the relevant post.

*Please note/allow for delayed email response time due to time differences and the fact that I have no hotmail access at work. But don't worry...the store operates on a first come, first served basis regardless.

Happy Shopping!!


Dream Sequins said...

Uh oh. Looks like a new addiction is looming in my future :) congrats on the shop!

Sweety P said...

So going to look through!

yiqin; said...

OMG going to see now!

Clara Campelo said...

i love all!

xxxxx said...

WOW! That's a good news! :-) I've linked Ur shop on my links. :-)


Caramell said...

these shoes in the picture are amazing. I want them all :D

love home|life|style said...

oooh, great idea, taking a look!

Marcia B. said...

shoes galore!

Sharon said...

Hi there-very best of luck with this, looks like you've got some gorgeous offerings for sale!!

Elizabeth Marie said...

ARE YOU SERIOUS????????? OMG if the ones I want are still there....

Unknown said...

wonderfull shoess!!

JOWY said...

I am such a shoe freak, gonnan take a look right NOW!

One Love,

Anika said...

Thanks for the comments!

p.s. all prices are in Australian dollars i.e. SCORE for you guys with your strong currencies ;)

Also, keep checking back cos most of the shoes on the "shoe rack" in the logo for the store will be going on sale in upcoming weeks!

Have a great one :)

Anika said...

And thank you janettaylor :)

daisychain said...

*goes to be nosey*

Anonymous said...


Kira Aderne said...

oh my!
Such a nice collection!
I do love all, but the boots are my passion here!

Syed said...

Yay for a shop :) Hope you're having a beautiful day dear.

TMFA said...

Haha like the pics all those shoes

Abby said...

oh this is great. look at you! being all productive!
I too want to start a shop for mr bird goods and arty what nots, but I get very confused very quickly and also I am a lazy fox.

Man I have not been very active in blog town lately. it is not very cool.

we should ACTUALLY catch up. I know we always say so.
I'm on holidays in 2 days for 2 weeks. We aren't going anywhere as of yet, but it will be good, because work suckety suck sucks.

hope you are wonderful? hows life? any goss?


bloo90fashion said...

mm i like all shoes ;)


The Sydney Girl said...

your shop is way cool girlie ;) will be checking it frequently x

Style Justice said...

great shoes!!

battered couture said...

oh me oh my hurrayyyyyyyy!!!

Gloria fait son show said...

woow your shoess..@@!

International Clothing Shop Online said...

really nice blog :)

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