Sunday, May 24, 2009

Perugino's: food porn for a birthday celebration

We visited Perugino in West Perth Friday last weekend for the occasion of a good friend's 25th birthday. The food was delicious, the company delightful. The waiters spoke in Italian accents (real and otherwise :). We complemented the meal with shots of some aniseed liquer, followed by a short stint at a pub-slash-club opposite the road. Good times.

And once again, I picked the Tristan Blairs to wear. For those contemplating investing in the shoes let me just confirm that these shoes are the be-all and end-all. Sexy, comfortable and a 5 inch wedge heel. I would happily wear these for the rest of my life....or until they broke :)




food porn: the delectable starter

Filleto In Crosta: eye fillet of beef, medium rare and served in a bed of Porcini mushrooms

40 degrees celcius at the pub-slash-club. We only lasted a little while (clearly showing our age)

dress and jacket, vintage. shoes, tristan blair. necklace and ring, markets. clutch, ebay.


Slanelle said...

this outfit is fab, especially the shoes!!

Couture Carrie said...

Yummy food pics, A!
And you all look faaaaabulous!
Hope your weekend is rockin'!


PH said...

I love the jacket--I have an old Levi one from high school that I still wear :)

Posh said...

Love your hair and denim jacket!


Anika, I love the chunky shoes!!

yay to once wearing the same face powder foundation, how come they stopped importing? and i keep waiting for a cool breeze to wear your amazing shiny leggings<3

one day you and twitter will become friends, you will see :)


DaisyChain said...

I love your outfit, as always! The food looks fantastic.

Angela said...

cute outfit and yummy food. i love your bang, I wish my bang will be as cooperative.

Tereza Š. said...

I love all about this outfit, the jacket is great!

WendyB said...

Cute boots.

Alya said...

You have great style. Your outfits are so cool :)

By the way, I've got an awesome watch to giveaway over at my blog. Check it out :)

Sharon said...

Hi there-you look totally gorgeous my dear and the food looks positively scrumptious-lucky you! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

What is Reality Anyway? said...

those ankle boots are amazing, and vintage!! you look gorgeous xxxx

Seeker said...

Nice new header :)

And you look fabulous, what a cool clutch.

Oh I can't find here my studded sandals and you with lots of them over here, it's not fair.... (joking dear)


Eda said...

Fabulous outfit and yummy food...what else can you want?!:)

C.Chico said...

the Filleto In Crosta looks sooo good right now!

Marie-Louise said...

enjoyed finding your blog :)
lots of yummy food on it haha!

Shini said...

love the studded clutch with the denim jacket!! Still loving those TBs, (Tuberculosis :P?) wish I had kaching to even think about investing in them...

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Those shoes do look awesome.

ilikestuff said...

Ugh, those Tristan Blair wedges are stupid-good. I want. And you look so chic for 40 degrees!

AliceSeagull said...

I like whole outfiu and the food looks delicious! Yummy!

Anika said...

Hey Pauline, thanks for stopping by :). I do wear my vintage denim jacket ALOT. Timeless, they certainly are.

Anika said...

Thanks for all the wonderful comments folks. And yes, those TBs (Shini, I do think of tuberculosis every time I type TB...which is why I try to avoid it :) are insane and the shizz. And I do not say 'the shizz' on a daily basis, mark my words....

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