Thursday, December 24, 2009


.....have a very merry christmas folks! I'm packing for Bali, which is not going well. As evidenced by the time of this post and the fact that I'm blogging instead of packing. Back to it....

In the meanwhile, here are some pics from a fave of mine: nerdynotdirty on deviantart. Enjoy.


In the new year......


I'll catch up with you all in early January when I get back from Bali (expect photos galore!) and until I head off again to Europe. Have a great Christmas and new year. Here's to a fantastic 2010!



Vertiginoso said...

OOooooh So I warmly wish you "Bon courage" for the packing (YES, you can do it !!!) , "Merry Christmas" AND "Happy New Year" under Bali's Sun Dear Anika !!!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Sweety P said...

Have a wonderful time in Bali! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Fashionista!

crystal said...

Have a great vacation! Merry Christmas :) said...

Wonderful Xmas, darling Anika!


Anonymous said...

Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas!


Sharon said...

Hi my dear-have a fabulous time and a very Happy Christmas!!

Eva said...

Wow, Bali!! I want extensive reports. :) Merry Christmas to you too!

daisychain said...

Have an amazing time in Bali darling x

Unknown said...

Hi my friend



Ashley Laramie said...

Bali!!!? Gahhh I'm jealous. Lovely photos, hope you enjoy your trip and take lots of photos so the rest of us can look at them and die of jealousy!

Unknown said...

beautiful photos and safe trip sweetie!

For all things fashion:

battered couture said...

happy new year dear! May your wish come true for me. Need to find myself asap. :) and is there any chance of you visiting Greece while you re in Europe. That would be funfun.

me melodia said...

eeeep! I love that bird print.

bryna said...

ooh, lucky you. have a great time!

Marz said...

these pictures are gorgeous!

yiqin; said...

Ah merry christmas :)

Tights Lover said...

I hope you're having an amazing time in Bali!


happy 2010 ;)

Dirty Hair Halo said...

Those photo selections are absolutely stunning.


Clarity said...

I wish I was with you on your Balinese adventure. Peace and love sweetie, xxx

Enjoy -

P.S. When you get back, watch "Wag the Dog" - might like.

Indy said...

I love your blog! You have wonderful style and you take great pictures!

Caramell said...

thanks honey, hope you enjoy yourself! Can't wait until I see your astoishing new outfits ;)

Closet Full of Nothing said...

Have a great time in Bali!!! I've always always wanted to go there.. so I'm super jealous :)

Happy New year!

quoizel lighting said...

Love your pics

Stéphanie said...

Happy new year dear !

Unknown said...

Happy new year!!!

Punctuation Mark said...

great Bali pics and selection on this post... happy 2010!

Nicci St. Bruce said...

so jealous! Bali is somewhere I've always to go! xx

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