Friday, July 17, 2009

Sharp Turn

I acquired this sharp shouldered blazer (i.e. blazer with ridiculous shoulder pads that I love) at my favourite vintage store and fell in lust straight away. Good thing it goes with everything I own then. Not sure if the shoulders are as noticeable here as they are in real life but they are my power shoulders for sure. And strangely enough, my work colleagues are now so accustomed to me showing up in odd fashion statements that they complimented my jacket and only jokingly called me a man (a few times) ;).

p.s. for the Aussies out there, have you seen the velcro-on shoulder pads Sportsgirl is touting? I cannot help but laugh. C'mon, really?


these kookai pants are deliciously poufy and the silk is so lightweight, its like wearing pyjamas :)

I'm looking forward to after-work drinks tonight with aforementioned work colleagues (I scheduled this post as I'm potentially going to be too tipsy to coherently type ;). We get on so well, it makes work even more fabulous to be at. We laugh at each other, crack each other up, have a junk food section, a serious caffeine addiction and pass lewd comments and veiled jokey insults all the time. Love. It.

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

top, supre. jacket, vintage. silk pants, kookai. belt, sportsgirl. shoes, orbit. sunglasses, valleygirl.


ilikestuff said...

Aw, I remember when I had a job that I liked...that was cool.

And that jacket is amaaaazing! It's crazy, but on other people, I always think strong shoulders look so good, and on me, I think they look clownish. Not sure if that's some kind of dysmorphic disorder or the truth...

battered couture said...

oh god. I have to work after work today. It will be a loong day. Anyway have a couple on me while you're at it. Loving the jacket and the belt!

Sharon said...

Hi there-that jacket is just so Chloe with the scalloped edging, what a totally gorgeous find! Have a great weekend my dear, looking really good!

Elizabeth Marie said...

You look FIERCE woman!!! I could never pull that off but you look amazing.

have fun and get tipsy! XOXOXO!!

Caramell said...

cool outfit dear! this is one of not many jacket's with such pads that I accept ;D
and trousers! <3


[LA] said...



I love your square-shaped sunglasses, dear. They seem so fun. By the way, I have been meaning to ask you if you have a camera accessibility with your computer? I finally have one + mic so we can chat one day. ;)


PH said...

I love the shape of this all put together--I bet you threw a cool shadow :)

The contrast of business with your gorgeous long mermaid hair is the best, though. Hope it was a good time!

Vertiginoso said...

I really like the way your silky Kookai pants instil an Oriental twist on your usual "laid back/GLAMazon" stylish mood !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Anonymous said...

Love your jacket, the shoulders are lllovely. And those silk pants must be the comfiest things ever. x

micol zanzuri said...

love everithing of this look you loock so gorgeusssss

Anonymous said...

You look amazing, great jacket!

kiah k. said...

I love this!

Damsels said...

i love this drape like pants . they are so elegant and unexpected ..
looks great as always

Unknown said...

all in black is always perfect!

young-shields said...

Awesome shoulders. i love your blog, and i thought you might be interested in a chickdowntown comp on my page too! claire @ y-s x

Anika said...

thank you all for your lovely comments :)

Style Porn, I do that too....with good on other people, not so on me (or so I think).

Pauline, thanks so much gorgeous. And yes, we did have fun :)

young shields, will def check it out...thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

Your pants are so cool!

Anika said...

Thanks, Sweety P :D

FashionHippieLoves said...

really like your pants!!!


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