Sunday, March 7, 2010


Hey hey.

Back from Europe, and missing the culture and architectural diversity and brilliance terribly. And in ackowledgement of my fascination and love for all things architectural, I'm now seriously entertaining undertaking an architecture degree.

Our 6 weeks in Europe saw us in London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, the Scottish Highlands, Paris, Amsterdam, Hoofddorp, Harlem, Prague, Florence, Sorrento, Positano, Amalfi, Roma, Barcelona, Madrid, Tenerife. And we even railed through Belgium and Austria.

We saw snow galore, froze our fingers off (Prague; -12 degrees Celcius!!!), got spooked and freaked out by supernatural entities on an underground haunted tour, had cheap-as-chips beer, stumbled across a world-famous jazz cafe, bartered and bought cheese at an outdoor market in Paris, went swing dancing with locals, visited a sex museum, tried to spot "Lochie", tried local dishes including but not limited to black pudding, raw herring and gelatos galore, had a mother of a snowball fight when we were snowed under, visited museums, passed as locals in most places (what it was, we don't know....), got given free alcohol most nights in Italy once we mentioned we were from Australia, went pubbing, caught up with friends, stumbled across a Salvador Dali exhibition (!!!!! :D), awe-d over Gaudi work, overindulged in churros, and partook in Carnival in Tenerife.

And that's just the tip of the iceburg. We took a crapload of photos, laughed, immersed ourselves in local culture and tradition, tried to speak the language, caffeinated often, and overall had an effin' fantastic time! It wasn't a fashionable trip so outfit photos are few and far between, but I did still manage to do some shopping and post stuff home (Royal Mail, gimme my missing parcel goddamit!!).

Sorry for the lack of blogging since we got back, I haven't been too keen (I'm kind of over it to be honest) and can't promise I will update regularly. I'll try :). I hope all of you are well, and well and truly over the horrific cold. After experiencing the cold in some countries (Holland and Czech Republic, I'm looking at you) I am so glad I live in Australia. Even if it took me a week to aclimatise to the 40 degrees characteristic of our summers.

Below, a photo excerpt from our trip (and this is just from the lil' Nikon). The Canon Rebel 450D snaps are overwhelming...there's over 1000 of them and I still need to go through them. At least that will keep me in the holiday frame of mind for a little while longer!



...Oh, and that last photo? My new hair colour. It was time for a change....and I'm loving the dark, dark hue immensely!


Unknown said...

i was actually wondering what happened to you earlier today!

you must have had the best time...your pics are awesome! how does it feel to be back home?

good to have you back (online)!


daisychain said...

well, hello there stranger! sounds like quite the adventure x

Andrea Morgenstern said...

i like the last pic! said...

Ooooh! Hello again, darling! Soooo exciting! By the way love Ur new hair color, babe!

Vertiginoso said...

AAaaaw Frankly What an intense schedule Dear Anika !!! I have to say that your Amsterdam pictures (EEeuuh simple City deduction . . . thanks to this bunch of bicycles !!!), their slightly surrealistic Majesty, are especially bewitching . . .

à Bientôt, Antoine

Dream Sequins said...

I looooove your pictures! Please post more! And your new hair hue is delicious! And so shiny! Yay!

Sharon said...

Hi there-what a trip of a lifetime and welcome back too!! The photos are stunning and so pleased you had such an amazing and awesome time!!

Damsels said...

some of the pcuitures you took are insanely stunning .

i hope to travel to europe one day and see these sights

Stéphanie said...

Fabulous pictures !

Anonymous said...

That skirt in the last photo is lovely and I like the new hair colour. Your trip sounded brilliant. Nice photography. xxx

Jocy said...

Wonderful pictures and what a fun adventure!!!

PH said...

I really, really dig the new hair. Is it blue black? Makes you a raven beauty. :) (There's an unintended pun there but I think I'll keep it. heh.)

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