Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Moore River on an Easter Friday

On Friday, the family (including Stuart) drove up to Moore River for a bbq/chill out where the Moore River mouth meets the ocean. We lounged in the sunshine, went on a sunset river cruise, partook in wine and enjoyed a never-ending tasting plate. Yum.

We also saw great spots for sand boarding and a rope suspended from a tree on one of the river banks that everyone was having a great time swinging on to and then proceeding to fall off, into the river. I've got our next trip up there all planned out :)












Sharon said...

Hi there-Oh you are so very lucky to have this gorgeous place to visit, it sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family, thats lovely my dear!

Couture Carrie said...

Wow Anika those photos are breathtaking! And you are so sweet to think of me when you shop - can't wait to see YOU in that vintage sweaterdress, darling! And YES Leger totally rocks my world every time!


Vertiginoso said...

Short denim shorts with exposed pockets REALLY are MADE FOR your stunning legs . . . AND the 8th picture delightfully sounds as an aesthetic extract from a crepuscular Heaven !!!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Anonymous said...

OMG, those scenery shots are amazing! These truly left me speechless, WOW.

Yuka said...

$200 is standard for shoes? omg i must be a cheapskate then. lol. sometimes i do splurge (like the cloes) but only on shoes. im pretty cheap with clothes. lol

i got my chloes on ebay by the way. :)

Clara Campelo said...

oh thank you! : D
and wow! that wonderful images! that beautiful place! i liked!!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Anika. I die for Ur sunglasses. Reminds the Chanel piece. Haha!


Jules said...

lovely! :D what camera did u use? its just perfct :D

i just linked u up. hope you could feature my blog here, too :D Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Never ending tasting plate sounds like the best thing ever! Love the photos, they're so beautiful. x

Nina (Femme Rationale) said...

wow, the photos are breath taking. simply gorgeous!

Lala Orange said...

awww we HEART moore river at lala orange! sooo relaxing!


I have a similar tank, you look so adorable here. And what a STUNNER in the shots below. LOVE it, lady. :)

Soon enough I will reveal that photographer, he's re-vamping his website. ;)


KATLIN said...

Yeah I wish I was here! Floating on a lake drinking some sort of alcohol and laughing with friends. :)

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