Monday, June 8, 2009

I love........

......the sound of rain on a tin roof......

.........thick cut hot chips.............

lucas pawpaw lip balm

the sense of accomplishment when you achieve something you set out to do

a fan-effin-tastic coffee

my ever growing collection of literature

....being a grown up
(although it does scare me shitless sometimes).....

.....the thrill of a good run, followed by breakfast......

scorching sunshine that frazzles your hairline

........a great fanfiction story (embarassing confession time alert :)............

the unadulterated joy of children

debates with Stuart about the rights of human beings to sex changes
(and other such topics)

........coming across a bargain on something you have coveted for awhile.......

What was that last one, you ask???

This jacket that I had been coveting for quite a while on the maxshop website.
Original price, Aus $399.


the sleeves look big, but the fabulous tailor I go to can sort that out no problem

Bearing in mind recent purchases, I decided to pass on the jacket (in all its soft, drapey goodness) until and unless it came down to half price. A few weeks back, it was on sale for $299. Was tempted, but I resisted.

Logged onto the website yesterday and they are having a 50% sale. Which includes my jacket (oh hell yeah, I've perved on it so many times it might as well be mine :).
Score, for $199.

Cannot wait!

What do YOU love?

post-edit: and I abso-fuckin-lutely LOVE the smell of the ocean :)


This chick's got style said...

Congrats with your great jacket!
It's just beautiful!
Which color did you get!


Sharon said...

Hi there-I share your love of hot big fat chips, most definitely, LOL!! You scored big time with the jacket, fabulous bargain indeed my dear, well done!

Vintage Lollipops said...

Ahhh, this post is so awesome... and the jacket is so HOT. Can't wait to see you rock it!

Favorite lil I love line: "a fan-effin-tastic coffee"


Couture Carrie said...

Fab find on that jacket - can't wait to see it on you!

Love what you love, especially "the unadulterated joy of children" ~ so sweet, A!


P.S. I am totally a belt gal - particularly enjoy big wide double buckle belts!

modediktat said...

Hi there, first time I'm visiting your lovely blog (coming via fab Fashion Chalet).
You're having a great style! I really enjoyed reading your blog A LOT and will visit it again for sure :-D
Congrats to the beautiful jacket! It looks like a fantastic find!
xoxo, s.

modediktat said...

ps - i love suede bags, belts, boots, jackets. suede is really gorgeous! oh - and i love gray jersey tops and dresses... can't help it :-D

Damsels said...

woah that first black jacket is amazing !
We Were Damsels

Tiffany said...

wow, that jacket is gorgeous! what a great score!


I love...

this post and that 1st outfit (and model!)

btw, I bought some accessories, a dress and some sunglasses, but other goodies are on their way soon to me too can't wait.

Slasher leggings look so awesome, no? ;)


Seeker said...

What a cool jacket, dear I can wait to see you rock it :)

And what a sweet and lovely post.
Right now it kind of difficult to me to say what I love.... just a few persons.

All the best, darling


Elizabeth Marie said...

I love...this post! OMG!

That jacket is so hot dude! Such a lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

I can see why, that jacket it fantastic & thumbs um to the lucas paw paw butter.

Elizabeth Victoria Clark said...

oh my gosh, that jacket is totally gorgeous!! and mmm to chips xx

ilikestuff said...

What a lucky find! Don't you just love it when you can hold back and it pays off?

I did major shopping this weekend too, but goddammit it feels good to spend money. That's what I like. Buying stuff. And sleeping. Give me both of those, and I'm happy as a clam.

Unknown said...

Loveing the first jacket! Looking forward on your next post.=)

Travel and Living
Job Hunter

Theresa said...

those clothes look absolutely great!!

yiqin; said...

The first jacket is amazing.

Anika said...

thanks for all the comments folks, and I got the black one....more versatile I think :)

Suzanne said...

I love the sound of rain on a thin roof too! I also love the smell of books and magazines.
And even though it scares me a bit, I love thunderstorms! especially when you're lying in your bed:P
Btw: love the second jacket!

Unknown said...

congrats on your find,love! you really deserve it.. i'd buy it in a heartbeat too if it was offered to me in the best price:)

love the beach, new shoes, and fried chicken. weird combo, but that's me!

much love


DaisyChain said...

omg the jacket! LOVE

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Baybay Mama said...

I love this list. I love the sound of rain in general.

I adore the second jacket.

paanie said...

oooh. i like the second. but i'm a sucker for grey.

Delikate Rayne said...

Ooooo you are one LUCKY when you have been lusting over something and you are Finaaallllly able to call it your own! Can't wait to see it on you!

Thank you for your comment, your so sweet!!! I used to feel that way about neon too. I soon realized though purchasing neon items and just admiring them at home wasn't cutting it anymore! It was time to share the fabulosity of them with everyone!
I know you can pull it off Anika, you would look so hot in something neon pink =) or baby steps...maybe neon shoes?

To add to your list, I love Ben and Jerry's oatmeal cookie chunk and cinammon buns ice cream and I super share your love of coffee.


Eda said...

I can't wait to see you wearing that new jacket!

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