Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tag (core book collection to come)

The gorgeous Eden of Chic in the Tropics (she of the incredible style, fab blog and the bestie who designs one offs for her) tagged me to answer the questionnaire; 20 of my favourite things.

My favourite things...........
(whilst listening to a random selection of music. I'll list it as we go)

1. colour: In the moment, pewter. On a more permanent basis, I'd have to go with blue...from azure to turquoise to navy, I'm there.
land locked blues - Bright Eyes

2. desert: I love this Indian rice pudding but hardly ever get a chance to sample it. On a more regular basis, freshly baked banana bread with butter spread over it is heaven.
stairway to heaven - Jimi Hendrix

3. smell: Coconut scented body oil/moisturiser. I go nuts for this stuff. Coconut always invokes memories of my youth, laying on the beach as you sweltered in the hot sun and the sound of the ocean and reggae music provided the idyll background.

4. flower: The intricacy and architecture of orchids (not to mention the subtle colours) gets me. On the other hand, the bareness and clean lines of cactus' is pretty cool.

5. animal: Iguana. I goddamn want one. I've investigated the possibility of buying one here in Perth, Australia. I will probably need to hunt down a specialist exotic pet store and pay more than a few hundred for one. It's worth it though. Iguanas are ridiculously loyal and my ideal pet. Beautiful, beautiful creatures.


6. month: I do like December for what it symbolises....Christmas, the end of the year and opportunity to leap into the next, and holidays.

7. beverage: I always shock people (mainly bartenders) when I request Guinness. I adore Guinness, its the ultimate in choice. Rich, dark and bitter creamy perfection. I prefer the imported stuff from Ireland too...Aussie Guinness is a tad too bitter and not dark enough.
oh my god - Kaiser Chiefs

8. shoes: I cannot pick...can I?!?!! I adore THE Balenciaga harness boots from 2006. I adore AlOT more shoes but I think these have that uber cool, nonchalent rockstar thing going on and are equal parts fashion and function....LOVE!!!
angel of music - the phantom of the opera soundtrack (Andrew Lloyd Webber)
9. snack: butter on toast/home made guacamole or salsa on toast. Nothing beats the salsa and guacamole Stuart and I make...key ingredients: garlic and some chilli. Yum!
beautiful place (I think?) - Claire Hollingsworth

10. song: I love Whiskey In The Jar by Metallica, the prostitute song by Claire Hollingsworth, Polly by Nirvana, Queen (generally)....I have to stop somewhere...there are too many!

11. book: Breath by Tim Winton. I recommend everyone read this book. Tim is beyond articulate and writes with brilliant wit, drawing emotion perfectly :)
white unicorn - Wolfmother

12. fruit: I adore lychees, hard to get here in Australia but when I lived in Kenya my dad working for Air France (the shipping side of things) and all the spare boxes of lychees that got imported from Mauritius would graciously get given to Dad and he'd bring them home. We could and did eat boxes at a go!

13. hairstyle: I love my current hairstyle...have had it for too long but I adore the whole straight bangs and borderline wavy looooong hair.

14. piece of clothing: Hmm, how do I narrow this down? A fabulous fitting pair of jeans, killer leather jacket, sheer tee, floral/studded corset, feather stole/headpiece and I will now stop.


15. stores to shop: sportsgirl, supre (cheapest and best fitting jeans = love!), david jones for sass n bide, witchery.
mellow yellow - Donovan Frankenreiter

16. season: There is nothing better than summer (the hotter the better). It's a good thing I like it too, living in Perth :)


17. hobby: reading and building up my classic book collection. My ultimate dream is a floor to ceiling bookshelf spanning an entire wall (or two) with all the classics and great reads....a haven. Which I will make sure I build towards.


18. things to collect: I collect books and classic and rare vintage clothing (by choice) and shoes (it just happens :)
little boy man - Katie Noonan

19. movie: Wow....Donnie Darko/Snatch/Fight Club/Hard Candy/American Beauty....too many....cannot pick one!


20. restaurant: I adore Little Creatures and the Swan Brewery restaurant. Both divine, both amazing restaurants with great ambience, food and views.
wicked game - Chris Isaak

I nominate whomever wants to do this tag....go on, do it...if you have time to waste :)
Have a lovely weekend too!


Damsels said...

i love donnie darko and bright eyes!
We Were Damsels

Jolie Roux said...

Dude those Balenciaga shoes are a killer.

magnolia*mama said...

I'm so going to do to this! I am a sucker for questionnaires.

Also the Balenciaga boots should be everyones favorite. They are... immaculate. And I want that headpiece!

Denisa L said...

i have a crush obn the balenciaga shoes:x

Dream Sequins said...

Nice shot of the Balenciaga shoes. I have a pretty geeky book collection myself; I was an English lit major in college, and I still adore the classics. My dream is also to have a nice old-book smelling library with one of those rolling ladders. How cool would that be??? And the green reading lamps.

ilikestuff said...

Ohh, right next to where I work there's an exotic pet store and they have iguanas in the window! I always think they look like dinosaurs...they're really pretty intimidating in size. I would try and ship you one but he probably wouldn't make it...

battered couture said...

I couldn't agree more on the floor to ceiling bookshelf thing. Books and music have saved my life.

Unknown said...

I love anything coconut scented! But seriously Guiness? I mixed that with red bull once to make it taste better lol xoxox

boubou said...

hello, first time i come across your blog, so im gonna visit it now :)
well if you wanna be inspired by my collage and my mini week magazine, comeand visit my blog :)
a bientot !
Boubouteatime xx

Holly said...

i like that picture of you, you look so cute!

Holly x

yiqin; said...

Ah I think blue is a nice color. Donnie darko is good! :)

Anonymous said...

love those shoes x

Sharon said...

Hi there-loved to read all these things about you!! have a lovely weekend my dear!!

Unknown said...

you really are my soul sistah. love those harness boots a LOT, and currently me lotion is coconut-scented. and yes, that iguana! they really are so fun to have. i used to dress up mine.hahah. weird right?:)

much love


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