Sunday, June 21, 2009

New toys....

Quick update....

My old laptop has been giving me problems and at the end of the week just crashed. I manned (womanned?) up and bought me a new baby (plus a portable hard drive, just so I'm covered :)...she's sooo pretty...and will have everything up and running soon. Fingers crossed.

I have not deserted you....I promise to comment on all your fabulous blogs soon.

Thank you for the love!

Esber, RAFW


Seeker said...

Congratulations on your new laptop!!!!

All the best, lovely


Denisa L said...

congrats on the new laptop

What is Reality Anyway? said...


Unknown said...

Congrats on your new laptop. Hope to see you n my blog soon.=D Have a great workweek.=D

Travel and Living
Job Hunter

Clarity said...

You are surprisingly cool and organised for someone who has a busted laptop. Well done on picking up and moving on. When my laptop went kaput, I took a holiday :)

Daniella said...

yay for a new laptop!

Sharon said...

Hi there-wow a lovely new laptop, thats fab my dear! Wishing you a great week too, take care!!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Is she eating an apple???

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