Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Studding, studding, studding...

I decided to wear my not-yet-completed DIY project, the boots, out a few days back. While studding, I had to chop the fringe from the front of the boots so that the studs were visible. I like it so far but am not sure whether to keep going or stop as currently is. I've got the thumbs up on the studding (and the 'yeah, stop studding') from my sister and Stuart. What do you guys think? Does it need more studs? Should I go stud crazy and do the whole front of the boots?



In other news, the coffee shop I visit more often than what one would call 'regularly' now has a fantastic musician who puts on a one-man show every Wednesday evening for a couple of hours (he sings and plays the guitar). Will just have to chill out at Tiger Tiger on Wednesdays after work from now on, obviously :) The guy is a brilliant muso; he has a low, husky voice and is fantastic on the guitar.

How's everyone's week going?

I just recently decided to put more effort into my blog/follow other blogs (I used to just know the ones I checked and would pull up the sites each time, now I can link direct :)/have a 'follow me' segment and potentially, but not definitely, get into bloglovin'. Hmmm, we'll just have to see. Follow me? Also, let me know if you would like to exchange links :)

tee, killababe from live. jeans, supre. cardigan, vintage. boots, DIY rubi. necklace, gift from holland. rings; markets, diva, sportsgirl.


Sharon said...

Hi there-My week is going fine thanks my dear, I only work part time, so quite bearable, LOL!! Loving your boots and I really like them as is, rather than carry on studding! said...

What a lovely wool cardi, reminds of a Rick Owens model... ;)


Luxi said...

I love that cardi soo cute and the long necklace is to die!


grace said...

dude i saw some girl with the short hunter rain boots and she'd studded them.. i say we both try it! not sure how rainy it is in perth, but still fun to stud rubber?! haha

your blog's fantastic.. so glad i stumbled upon it

styleburst said...

I love the outfit. :)

its so casual chic. heart the necklace too.


stylefrontier said...

oh the boots look great already. no need to add more studs i think ;)


WendyB said...

It's hard to tell -- show a close-up of the boots!

Couture Carrie said...

Hi beautiful! I love this look, especially the jeans. Have never heard of that brand... where can I buy some?



I know, I found it uncanny that we both own the same E&J tee. I didn't want to say anything when I commented your post to spoil the surprise.. lol but now the secret is out. :) It's so softtttt, no? I want to see your new leathers. I haven't bought any shoes surprisingly enough in a really long time. Maybe it's due time? haha. I really want some basics though, tops, tanks, etc... first.

Btw, I LOVE this whole look for you, chic chic chic chickee! ;)


Dream Sequins said...

I wish I knew how to stud. They look very subtle and nice right now. Leave them be before you start getting into cartoonish territory!

Maria Llanos said...

cool necklace! im always up for a turquoise necklace :). thanks for the comment. I bought my boots online a while back. the last ones in my size! they're a half size too small but they fit comfortably :)

i got them here

crystal said...

The boots are way cute! Hmmm... I like the boots how they are right now but I'm sure they would still look hot with more studs!

I'd love to trade links with you!

Damsels said...

love those boots and your necklace
We Were Damsels

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

The boots are awesome!

erin baillie-rutter said...

oh my, this is lovely! great look, that necklace is gorgeous.
and you are so pretty.

and as for my week, it's the usual routine. but summer is here so i am therefore pleased.


ilikestuff said...

The studding thing seriously never gets old. It's so crafty and rock-and-roll at the same time. Must...stud...everything in sight.

chalortte said...

Nice outfits ! I love your necklace !

battered couture said...

could you please tell me how you go about studing leather and where you got the tools to do it.

Abby said...

what a wild studding ride! They look pretty freakin amazing already sir! yes yes they do.

also you look rather lovely. how good are cardigans, I just met a lovely new one, his name is mr cardigan.

well saturday sounds like a time that would be fun. send me some details on email land.
I think we just might be able to make it as something else we were supposed to do has fallen through the ceiling on to the ground. not really its just not happening anymore
oh i talk too much
toooooo much

yes yes.


A.n.E said...

Hey Anika, if you're still on the waitlist for Estile, here's a link for a direct invitation- enjoy!

Eda said...

Your necklace is so sweet!

DaisyChain said...

I love your cardi, and great job with the boots!

Anika said...

Thank you all for the feedback and lovely comments :)

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