Monday, March 16, 2009

All dressed up

Wore this retro-print Bettina Liano dress to the Phantom of the Opera, which (as I've mentioned before) was fan-bloody-tastic.

I ran into a distant friend's boyfriend there, whom I avoided at great cost....he once asked me to join him and his girlfriend for the night (wink wink). And he had just met me. Ick. Did I mention he also happens to be completely sleazy?
Nice, flattery my way, all the way :P

Back to the dress though, don't you love the subtle poufy sleeves!




Also, very randomly, last week I was in the kitchen on the phone to Dad when I noticed this HUGE bird perched in our garden. It was a magnificent owl, at 6pm in the evening (and take into account daylight savings)??!!!?

My sister and I think he may have caught sight of a rat.
But still, an owl that comes to your waist (yes, he was that huge!), casually perched in your backyard in suburbia in the bright sunlight? Odd.

Course I snapped a few (blurry) shots!

He may look smaller here, but don't let that fool you. I took this photo from quite far away!

dress, bettina liano. shoes, siren. bracelet, diva??. ring, sportsgirl.


Couture Carrie said...

You look beautiful, A!


DaisyChain said...

What a gorgeous dress.


Sooo cute in your florals, lady!! :]

So glad it arrived too, 'twas getting worried... :(


ryder said...

really good legs and skin tan.

Sharon said...

Hi there-thats such a cute dress and looks lovely my dear!

Vintage Lollipops said...

Hey gorgeous girl!

The dress is definitely lovely, and the heels... OH the heels! Without saying, I'm sure you already know how I feel about them!

Seeker said...

What a great dress, darling!!!
You look so beautiful!!!!
And those shoes, I need some similar....


Unknown said...

I love this outfit. The print on the dress is great and so are the shoes. I love the little hint of pink they have.


phamzy said...

thank you for adding my in your blogroll! you are in my list!

i love the shoes! those are lovely! i guess it will look rad if you stud them.

yeah, go ahead and slash your denim jeans! i can't wait to see the photos!

paanie said...

i loved phantom. the production and music was eerie and impressive.

styledigger said...

Cute cute dress! And I love your shoes.

KATLIN said...

I love the color of your shoes + buckles! And aren't those Omelle shoes nuts?? Have you checked their site out? You can look at their shoes in 360 degrees!!

Vertiginoso said...

Mmmh I really like the discreet black outlines of the sleeves and of the cleavage, the (so exquisite) way it shape the floral Dress AND emphasize your sculptural silhouette . . .
ps: AND YES for the "Fetish colour harmony" with your pretty toes !!!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Trish said...

Cool! Really nice dress! Love it! :)

Nina (Femme Rationale) said...

i love the print of this dress!

Anika said...

Thanks, CC :)

Thank you all for the lovely comments...I get so excited when I sneakily check my blog at work and see comments like these :D

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