Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mid-week Madness

Mid-week celebrations.
On a Tuesday night.
To commemorate Shaun's turning 30.

Shaun being one of my goood friends. Love him to bits.

I get somewhat tired of my relatively 'safe' work week outfits so when I get the chance, I love to dress up . And Tuesday was it. Good times were had. And then we headed home at a relatively reasonable time. Work and all the next day, you know ;)



Gavin, Charles and Stuart play the seat role for Shaun in this shot.


The Rocket Fuel crew

tee, sportsgirl. leggings, dotti. shoes, siren. bag, chanel. bangles; diva, sportsgirl, vintage.


Vertiginoso said...

OR the Sexy/casual Alliance of "Body conscious-esque" Black § stylish laid-back White !!!
ps: And YES for the so GLAMorous "Femme Fatalisant" movement of your fringed/structured mane !!!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

yiqin; said...

The top is fab! & I am so jealous of the bag ;)

Kay said...

The tee is perrfect.

Couture Carrie said...

Some very handsome gents there, A!

Loving your look too, naturally!


Anonymous said...

your bracelets are to love:)


Bag & Tee TDF! Love it! :]

I have you in my links list dearie, or did you mean to bloglove you, will do it now asap! :]

Twitter is semi-addicting and after a while, can become full-on.. haha!

Can't wait for the little packagey to arrive. xx

LF said...

oooh great outfit, looks so comfy and chic!! hello from Alabama stylish Lady!!!

jess S/hippiefroufrou

Seeker said...

Sounds you had a great time, how nice :)

And of course you look gorgeous, love all, and those bracelets are stuning.


Yuka said...

yes! you should totally wear the wide leg! i would love to see the way you style it.

i love the shirt you are wearing in these photos

Abby said...

rad outfit! nothing like black and white. it is the best thing.

I have far tooo many midweek celebrations when I have work in the morning! Must detox this week.

Love your idea, I haven't been able to think of anything exciting to do. I will keep an eye out for a cool market or some such, otherwise opshop idea sounds like love.


PH said...

all of You beautiful people!

crystal said...

I love your outfit, those leggings are fabulous!

Unknown said...

Love the top girl.;D
And the bag is so glam..

Sharon said...

Hi there-fabulous pictures and your Chanel bag is just totally gorgeous!!

Baybay Mama said...

Very very cute photos. you look great! Those boys are super cute too:)

Wanderlusting said...

How amazing are your cuffs? They look gorgeous in gold and I especially love/adore/covet that spiky one. SWOON!


Anonymous said...

Hey, the shoes are a UK size 5 (which I think is an EUR 38?) and I haven't put them up on ebay yet, I'll post the link once I get round to it. I love love love your chanel bag! x

Vintage Lollipops said...

Ooh, you are looking HOT, damn hot!


Jules said...

Love your outfit.;D
Have a wonderful week.

Nonoy said...

Lovely top.;D
I love white dress.Great post.

Unknown said...

i just heart your gold bangles and arm candies! absolutely divine. and scrolled down and saw those divine purple sandals--they are sex on shoes, are'nt they?

lovely blog! hope we could exchange links?

much love


Anika said...

Thanks folks :)

CC, aren't they just? The boys are incredibly nice too. And recently single. (Start a dating service? Hmmmm ;)

Erika, my dear, hope you got the package :D

Heya Jess, welcome to my lil ol blog ;)

Anika said...

Yuka, I might have to dig one of my pairs out...and pair with a crop tee and floppy hat (I have the perfect one too, thrifted a little while back :)

Deana, I'm thinking of setting up a dating agency ;) Bet Charles and Gavin will love it :)

TwoBreadsPlease, yes please yes please....just a little bigger than my size (but I have thick socks!) I'll keep my eyes peeled :)

Eden, thank you muchly. I'd love to swop links :)

Anika said...

Pauline, yay, you're back....hope the writing is productive....can't wait to read the end result :)

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