Thursday, March 26, 2009

This and that

These are bits'n'bobs of what's been happening....

A few weeks ago, Erika from fashion chalet and me sent each other gift packages.

I loved had the cutest card, nail polish (to complement my growing collection cough*obsessionmuch*cough), fabulous easter egg chocolates and some eye makeup as well.
Score, right?

you may be asking, 'where are the chocolates?'. guess? my tummy. correct!

You all know Erika to be the sweetest blogger out there. Seriously. And she has a great blog.If you don't, visit fashion chalet ASAP.

Also, I promised to take a photo of the DIYed Wang denim chain shorts. Seriously the easiest DIY ever. If you want to try it, see this post by Shini from Park and Cube>
(simple, clear instructions. trust me.)

Here's the end result....I'm very pleased at how they turned out.



Had to take a mirror shot as my substitute photographer (my sister) got grumpy after a few shots and stormed off. What can I say, she was hungry and I was insisting she take yet another pic ;)

pocket tank, witchery. poncho-esque cardi, vintage. shorts, DIY cutoff levis. tights, random. ring, sportsgirl. leather boots, shoobiz.


Passion4Fashion said...

Love the shorts! Can't wait to see you "steal" my (haha) tie belt idea!

Couture Carrie said...

Such a fun idea!

And I love that wrap you are wearing!


Sharon said...

Hi there-wow, they did come out really well, they look fab!


awwww sweet, thanks for this and I really want to make some shorts like yours. :)

by the way, today I was doing the groceries and the guy called me Anika by mistake when I tried to say my name was erika. I instantly thought of you, of course!! :)

btw, do you have Twitter?


Z x said...
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Zara said...

Wow, great job with the shorts!! Come summer i definitely will be attempting that DIY :) Stumbled across your blog and I really like your style xoxo

Vertiginoso said...

I really like the contrast between your (wrongly) strict "geek glasses" AND your (epitomesques) "Destroy CHIC-issimes" (Pffffffffff And So HOT) cut-off shorts, just like a mix full of sexy/electrifying subtlety !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Shini said...

woohoo great job on the jeans!! love that poncho-esque thing btww

ilikestuff said...

I love how you paired the shorts with sheer tights. I think I'll never really be warm enough to rock the cutoffs without some type of leg covering.

Oh, and thanks for the input about the shoes. I'm keeping them :)

Abby said...

Ohhh how wonderful and cute is Erika!! Love that lady.

Those diy shorts look freakin' rad! Do you hear me??? FREAKIN' rad! I really have to get onto that.

Yes! Catching up would be wild, totally strange but in a good way. What shall we do?

Mr Bird says hi, he is busy being all swollen from a crazed bee sting attack.


Anika said...

Thanks everyone, just to iterate: possibly the easiest DIY you can do :)

Shini, thanks for the inspiration....found when going through your old posts.

Anika said...

I Like Stuff, awesome...good idea :)

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